Try Scuba
There is nothing like breathing underwater for the very first time. It takes a little getting used to – after all, human beings weren’t designed to do that – but after a few minutes of awestruck wonder, most participants realize how easy scuba diving really is.
Availability: In Stock
The biggest challenge instructors have with the Try Scuba Program is not coaxing participants into the water, but coaxing them out when the program is over. The fun part? It’s all fun!
- Learn what wearing scuba equipment feels like and how easy it is to move around underwater while wearing it
- Find out what it’s like to breathe underwater and learn whether you can be comfortable there
What do I use for equipment?
We supply all of the equipment, so all you need is a bathing suit and towel.
How much does it cost?
The cost for the Try Scuba Event is only $80.00
*Must be 10 years old and up to participate
Refund Policy
No refunds on Try Scuba Events. From your registration date up until 8 days before the class you can reschedule with no penalty. If you are within 1-7 days of the event, you will owe 50% of the tuition. If you don't show up to class or cancel the day of, your tuition is forfeited.